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 make 2025 your BESt year ever



pave your unique path to 

the highest expression of your souL


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Activate the Wild Abudance that is your Soul Light

Beautiful Soul

I am so thrilled to welcome you here. If you have found this page, you have heard the call from my heartsong to yours. 

I am here as a doula to usher in the Light Leaders of the True Earth rising. 

I only work with souls that I can feel are of the highest integrity and know that they are here for the greater good of people but most importantly the planet. 

SOUL SEED is part of my Soul Mission & Divine Blueprint.

I have a gift for seeing to the heart of your power, the uniqueness of you and helping you to unveil and see what I see. 

As soon as you see yourself as your SOUL does - the Magic Activates

The permission your are seeking is YOU

Welcome to the rest of your life.......

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claim your seat

step into your leadership

soul purpose academy 9 month ascension portal for 5D business

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Hey I'm Deb - multi 6 figure light leader, mumma, ADD creative gettting it done messy, real & taking you along for the ride of your life on my magical unicorn wave of rainbow mania. 
I'm founder of the 3 Golden Seals, here to serve the magical women hiding in the broom closet. Sistar - it's time to come out!

Spirit Led business is a MOVEMENT

When you are following the calling of your soul and expressing that through your business.... you require a very different approach to coaching.

Cookie cutter strategies and 10 step processes, complicated tech - these are not the way. 

You are a priestess, a sensitive, an empath, a magical being - a unicorn! YOU are your own best strategy and your energy is your most powerful currency. 

So we use the body and your energy system as our most potent guide - after all that's where spirit truly lives. And so to allow spirit to lead your business is to allow your body to lead and activate authentic Embodied Leadership. From here - success is a natural by product of simply being more YOU.


We are all about Heart

Heart led leadership is not a mushy lovey dovey concept. It is the pathway of the truly courageous - and it is what makes our soul led businesses different to other businesses. 

Leading with the heart means fearlessly walking the road less travelled: the path of the Creative.


To anchor this requires deep internal safety which is achieved through reclaiming your sovereignty at a foundational level. My work brings you into Soul Alignment, working on all levels of your being with Blue Flame light technology and pure Reiki.

Foundational energetic sovereignty is what makes this style of work so effective and a whole life transformation that will ripple into the grids of all areas of your life.


Voice & Visibility

To be fully expressed is a deep journey of unravelling all of the ways in which you may have been told or shown you were 'too much'. Too emotional, too sensitive, too pretty, too loud, too quiet. 

Soul Mastery is the journey into powerful expression. And this does not mean being the loudest person in the room - it is a frequency shift of the woman who is no longer willing to compromise her truth for the comfort of others. 

Once you anchor this frequency you become a master of manifestation, you get what you want when you want it because you decided and your are all IN. 

The most powerful tool we use in Soul Seed is our Shame Alchemy channel along with all learning how to Surrender INto life & take bold action by moving with fear. 


In Soul Seed - we are not so much women in business as Artiste's of Life. 
Your business is just one of the ways that creator desires to express through you.
The "crunchy stuff" that life gifts you are the materials for your Masterpiece.
You are the Artist & You are the Canvas.


The Creatrix Method

The Creatrix is a sovereign freminine archetype who lives boldly in her fullest expression. She is unapologetic about her art. She lives it. She breathes is.


She has healed her inner masculine and knows how to hold herself through the challenges of being a wayshower, an original thought leader, a creative and a disruptor. 

Her work is not something she does - it is who she is. In Soul Seed we use your embodied experience, especially those that emerge out of your shadows and we make art with them. These experiences are what uniquely code your to your mission. Often you can be blind to the very thing that is your super power. The Soul Seed journey will reveal this to you. 

You are the medicine, you are the modality.


Progress not Perfection

The way of the Creative helps you to let go of the need to know, the need to have it all looking perfect and simply surrender to your wild feminine nature. 

The true Divine Feminine does not seek to control, she flows and surges like a river, carving her way through rock and stone one day, gently rolling like a babbling brook the rest. 

But she is fluid. She moves. And she allows the cyclical cosmic pulse of creation to infuse her "work life". 

Soul Seed is not a linear journey - it is the pathway of the true Divine Feminine. Prepare to flow forward with power, ease, grace and a whole lotta mess.


The Membership Ascension Portal

  • 3 x 3 month blocks to Unearth - Unleash - Activate your Highest Expression of Soul Aligned success using my own modality the 3 Golden Seals, with 2 week integration rests to honour cycles

  • 3 x Mastermind workshops Strategy & Embodiment

  • 3 x calls per month blending masterclass trainings, with workshops, Q & A sessions, networking, celebration and hot seat coaching

  • ​Soul Magic

  • Soul Artistry

  • ​Soul Mastery

  • 2 x 90 minute VIP Quantum Light Sessions

  • Soul Seed 2 night, 3 day annual retreat fully included

  • A team of coaches that deeply love, support and are ALL in on you

Group Membership for 10 x $555 

VIP Membership: add private messaging APP & private 1:1 sessions

x 1 for 10 x $1111

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